RYBOMANIA is not only a tradition, but a great feast for the fishing community. In the company of fishing stars from Poland and abroad, many enthusiasts each year have the opportunity to familiarise with the offer of new products for the next fishing season, and seek professional advice. See you in Poznan, Poland!
4 pavilions full of angling captures - thank you for the 13th edition of Rybomania!
The second weekend of March turned the 4 pavilions of the Poznań International Fair into a real paradise for anglers. Nearly 300 exhibitors, the latest equipment, shopping and testing is an opportunity that fishing hobbyists wait for all year long. Add to that the attractions of a giant aquarium, the presence of fishing celebrities and interesting activities for children. From the weather to the impressions and excitement...

Rybomania 2025

Rybomania 2024

Rybomania 2024 - Giant Aquarium

Rybomania 2024 - Main stage

Young Angler Academy 2024

Rybomania Poznań 2020

Rybomania Gliwice 2020
There are many fishing enthusiasts in Silesia, so Rybomania cannot be missed!

Rybomania Warsaw 2019
Presentation of market novelties, meetings with experts. See how it was during the Rybomania 2019 Fair in Warsaw.

Rybomania Poznań 2019
This is where it all began. The Poznań Fair is a strong point on the calendar of every angler!

Rybomania Gliwice
There are many fishing enthusiasts in Silesia, so Rybomania cannot be missed!

Rybomania Warsaw
The latest equipment, live fishing shows and many attractions - see how looks like the Rybomania fair in Warsaw

Rybomania between fairs
What do we do when we don't organize fairs? We are definitely not sitting back!

We invite you to watch movie reports from our fair. You can find more on the movie channel RybomaniaTV on Youtube.
Honorary patronage

At the same time:
Exhibition and Zoological Fair
Wystawa i Targi Zoologiczne ZOOPARK to miejsce, w którym można spotkać najróżniejsze zwierzaki - te popularne oraz te niespotykane w Polsce. Na zwiedzających czekają małpki, fretki, koty, psy, króliki, konie, jeże i szczury, żółwie, kozy, owce, pająki, węże, legwany a nawet lotopałanki! Wydarzenie od lat gromadzi miłośników i właścicieli zwierząt, rodziny z dziećmi oraz najważniejsze marki branży zoologicznej. Ważnym elementem jest aspekt edukacyjny - hodowcy i specjaliści podpowiadają jak prawidłowo zadbać o wychowanie, pielęgnację i żywienie swojego pupila. ZOOPARK to także okazja do zaopatrzenia się w najwyższej jakości artykuły dla swoich pupili.
The largest underground car park in Poznań! It will accommodate 650 cars.
PASODOBRE Restaurant & Tapas Bar
Spanish dishes, full of aroma and freshness, and tapas, adored all over the world, brilliant in their simplicity – this is what creates the PASODOBRE cuisine. Enjoy seafood, juicy meats, fresh vegetables and experience the genuine flavour of sunny Spain right in the middle of Poznań!
Car park PWK
Idea Expo
Trust the experience! We've been constructing fair stands with passion for over 30 years! Our offer includes constructing and designing, as well as unusual solutions that suits your needs!
Golden Medal MTP
They have reached for gold!
Discover the products that will set trends!
City Marketing
City-friendly outdoor
Take advantage of the promotional services offered by City Marketing and reach a group of thousands of recipients through us.