The Polish Carp Fishing Federation is a partner of Rybomania 2024
Once again, we have the pleasure of cooperating with the Polish Carp Fishing Federation, whose representatives will meet you at their stand, where they will patiently and comprehensively answer all your questions, and participants who are even more thirsty for knowledge will be able to listen to PFWK's lectures on the main stage, we invite you!

The Polish Carp Fishing Federation is an association established by carp sport enthusiasts in Poland. The aim of the association is to organize and promote carp fishing in accordance with the principle of catch and release, recreation, fishing sport, use and protection of waters. Action for nature conservation and shaping fishing ethics. Promoting fishing ethics among young people. Cooperation with those who, like us, want to take care of our wonderful hobby. Organizing carp fishing grounds for PFWK members and their families so that they can enjoy this beautiful sport in peace and quiet. Help for those who are lost in modern fishing and are looking for the right path in their dilemmas. Supporting carp clubs and waters. Promotion of the C&R principle wherever rules, moderation and common sense are forgotten.
The aim of the Association is to organize and promote carp fishing in accordance with the catch and release principle, recreation, angling sport, use and protection of waters, activities for nature conservation and shaping fishing ethics. In its activities, PFWK focuses on continuous development, and its current priority is new PFWK fishing grounds available to its members and the establishment of local organizational structures - provincial PFWK field branches.
PFWK has over 2,000 people in its ranks and has 6 federation fisheries, and members can also count on discounts and rebates in stores and partner fisheries.
In addition, the Federation is the organizer of the Final and the qualifying series for the Polish Carp Masters Championships, which has gained recognition among anglers throughout the country and reliably selects the champions of a given year.
We invite you to meetings and talks with PFWK during Rybomania on March 1-3 in Poznań!